Supervision is a professional, ethical imperative.
Yoga Therapy is one of the few therapeutic fields that does not require post graduate supervision as a condition of credentialing. Even so, you may find that situations arise in your client work that ask more from you than you feel you have to give. In these cases, finding support in a more experienced yoga therapist can be essential, both for your own health, as well as that of your client relationship.
As lead supervisor with the only Masters of Science in Yoga therapy program in the United States, I’ve developed tools by which I can help you navigate your role as therapist. Whether you are a novice or veteran YT, reaching out for guidance is not only wise, but arguably a professional imperative as outlined by the IAYT Code of Ethics.
Starting in October, I will be offering both individual supervision and group supervision, as outlined below.
Individual supervision
One-on-one 55 minute sessions will be available starting in October. Supervisees can schedule weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions. We will review current cases, strategize protocol development, and explore the implications of your developing therapeutic alliance. Common therapist experiences such as countertransference will also be discussed, and therapist self-care practices explored and strengthened.
Rate: $125/ session; MUIH grads and former students may join for $85/ session. If you are attending group supervision, individual supervision may be scheduled for $75/session.
Group supervision
Group supervision sessions are 90 minutes, and will meet bi-weekly. They will follow the same general structure of individual sessions in terms of content. Each session, 1-2 attendees will present client cases in a prescribed format. We will discuss the case, and both participants and supervisor will offer feedback. Additionally, participants will be share current research and new protocols with their colleagues.
Rate: $55/ session; MUIH grads and former students may join for $40/ session.
IAYT CE Credit
Lastly, all supervision sessions are eligible for IAYT CE credit. You are encouraged to document each session date and time so as to make recording your hours with IAYT easier come recertification time. Formal documentation of our sessions is available upon request.
Interested in group or individual supervision? Reach out by emailing to learn more about session information and rates.
I’m looking forward to working with you.
Until then, wishing you ease, and in all things, Learning.