Join me for an eight week series with other sisters in motherhood.
The Whole Mother: Yoga Therapy for the Fourth Trimester, and Beyond
In this 8 week course, we will use the tools of yoga therapy to help you find ease and peace in every layer of your being.
The yogic perspective views each individual as multi-dimensional, the composite of different, yet interrelated parts. Each layer — from the physical body, to the energetic to the psycho-emotional, to the wisdom and bliss bodies — offers entry points for seeking, and finding healing and strengthening.
Each class, we’ll do light physical practice, or yoga asana, spend time in the safe space of shared experience, or sangha, explore how motherhood itself can be a meditation, discuss what it means to become mother. and practice training the mind in the interest of cultivating awareness, acceptance, compassion, and joyfulness.
The series will also include postpartum nutritional advice with a trained counselor, as well as discounted referrals to holistic practitioners including acupuncturists and massage therapists. The purpose of this work is to help you, momma, come back to a place of ease and peace within your own beautiful being.
Look out for upcoming course dates, TBD.
Interested in hosting this workshop or an abridged, one-day version? Reach out:
Looking for one on one yoga as therapy for your postpartum healing?
Connect with me one on one.
Angie Boissevain
You pick up a newborn child
and carry him into the world
with his delectable smell
and his small sound
like the word of God,
simple, original noise
of everything.
Count his toes, Wrap
and unwrap him. Listen
for that tiny breeze, his breath,
and from your thick breast give suck
and feel the rush and charge of it
everywhere inside you.
Feed him, hold him, chastise him,
absolve him, pray for him,
and hold him up so he can see.
Take him far so he can see.
Read to him so he can see
the ways of the human heart,
intricate as tangled grass,
can know its paradox of breaking,
and then of mending
at a single word.
And let him go. Over and over,
let him go where he’s taken,
even if he’s locked away, closed
to you, let him be closed.
And if you are a shawled mother
of the disappeared at prison gates
waiting for word of him,
that is your motherwork
whatever the outcome.
If things go well, he will
outlive you by years.
You were a passageway.
Let days of his silence
be passage for you
into realms where you
are a mother for everyone,
and you are everyone’s child.